Inditech Electrosystems Pvt. Ltd.

Landing Operating Panel (LOP):

Car Operating Panel (COP) & Landing Operating Panel (LOP)

Car Operating Panel (COP)

There are mainly two types :-

There are four types of COPs with us :-

Optional accessories to COP are as follows :-

Access Control :-

Landing Operating Panel (LOP)

We manufacture mainly two types :-

There are four display types for LOPs with us :-

Floor number selectable on site. :-

Supports 1PB/1LED or 2PB/2LED (Up/Dn) mode

  • Appearance: The Landing Operating Panel is a control panel located outside the elevator doors on each floor. It allows passengers to call the elevator and select their desired floor before entering the elevator car.
  • Use: Passengers use the LOP to indicate their desired floor and call the elevator to their location. It provides a user-friendly interface for passengers to interact with the elevator system from outside the elevator car.
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